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Magazin Alia Mundi za kulturnu raznolikost / 
Alia Mundi Magazine for cultural diversity

Blog magazina Alia Mundi pokrenut je sa ciljem da se da veći prostor temama koje je od osnivanja obrađivao magazin Alia Mundi za kulturnu raznolikost. Ova forma magazina je i po koncepciji i po temama naslednik prvo štampane, a potom i digitalne verzija Magazina Alia Mundi.  Jedina novina je što će ovako koncipiran magazin objavljivati sadržaj i na engleskom jeziku.

Blog će objavljivati i aktuelne vesti i novosti, ali i članke iz oblasti kulture, umetnosti, književnosti, kulturne baštine te svih onih tema kojima se inače bavio štampani magazin.

Pokretač, glavni i odgovorni urednik: Dr Ana Stjelja 

Izdavač: Udruženje Alia Mundi, Srbija


The blog of Alia Mundi magazine was launched with the aim of giving more space to the topics covered by Alia Mundi magazine for cultural diversity since it has been launched. This form of magazine is the successor of the first printed and then the digital version of Alia Mundi Magazine both in terms of concept and topics. The only novelty is that the magazine conceived in this way will also publish content in English.

The blog will publish current news and updates, as well as articles from the fields of culture, art, literature, cultural heritage and all those topics that were normally covered by the printed magazine.

Founder, editor-in-chief: Dr. Ana Stjelja

Publisher: Association Alia Mundi, Serbia

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